About Gillian Chartres

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So far Gillian Chartres has created 30 blog entries.

Philippa’s Newsletter – March 2021

March in our Gardens by Philippa Thomas. In some ways, as our world seems to have shrunken under lockdown, our perspective and imaginations have been expanded and changed. It’s the small, sometimes miraculous things in life, the basic things that make us happy. This past 2020, our gardens have proven to become havens, [...]

2022-09-05T17:12:15+01:00March 3rd, 2021|

Philippa’s Newsletter – February 2021

February in our Gardens by Philippa Thomas Each day, we are experiencing a few more precious minutes of daylight.  After a few months of dormancy, towards the end of February, temperatures are slowly rising, light levels increasing and our dawn chorus is increasing in volume. All may seem quiet in the garden and sometimes, looking out [...]

2022-09-05T17:11:17+01:00January 26th, 2021|

Philippa’s Newsletter – December 2020

December/January in our Gardens by Philippa Thomas. Day by day, Christmas is getting closer, we’ll soon be approaching the depths of winter and Christmas is a turning point. We all know, living with this virus, we are ‘see-sawing’ and the well documented benefits of gardening to our mental health and physical wellbeing are more important now than ever.

2022-09-05T17:11:10+01:00December 4th, 2020|

Safety in the Garden : by Dr. Marie Thérèse Floyd and Dr. Emer Shelley

There is a great sense of satisfaction from spending time working in the garden. There are also many benefits for our physical and mental health from being active in the outdoors. For example: Gardening involves many of our critical functions including strength, endurance, dexterity, learning and problem solving, and sensory awareness Some Benefits of Gardening [...]

2020-04-28T14:29:46+01:00August 16th, 2018|

Vine Weevils by Peter Lynch

The Vine Weevil appears near the top of every list of annoying insects. It is very destructive and immediate action should be taken if you come across it. This article by Club member Peter Lynch tells you all you need to know. Click to download part 1 (pdf) The second article deals with [...]

2018-08-01T07:29:22+01:00September 1st, 2015|

Mid October 2015

Emer’s plant sale on 13th June was a great success and the proceeds enabled us to get working in earnest on the project. Thanks to one of our group, the hugely overgrown griselinia at the back of the house was cleared resulting in a beautiful view over Dublin Bay. Ingrid’s patio plan was implemented, patio [...]

2018-01-22T18:17:04+00:00October 16th, 2015|

Initial Clearance, Saturday February 21st 2015

Last Saturday 21st February Brendan and a group of volunteers came to clear the garden. My family members and their friends worked their backs off all day and achieved amazing results. Brendan had already pulled out many of the large shrubs with his ”grubber” I had never seen a grubber before and it is a [...]

2018-01-22T18:17:05+00:00February 24th, 2015|

New Garden Project

As many of you will know we finished up our previous garden outreach project at The Alzheimer's Society Orchard Day Care Centre garden in early summer of last year, where we helped clear, plant and maintain the garden to the point where it could be handed over to a more permanent maintenance schedule. Dr. Mary [...]

2018-01-22T18:17:05+00:00January 1st, 2015|

25th Anniversary Celebration – 12th June 2013

We celebrated our 25th Anniversary on the 12th June 2013 with a delicious lunch in the Killiney Golf Club. The sunny view through the windows out onto the greens was a reflection of the smiles on the faces of the 130 elegantly attired guests. Tables of eights and tens were beautifully laid out with floral [...]

2018-01-22T18:17:07+00:00June 12th, 2013|
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